Showing 1 - 2 results of 2 for search 'Roberto Seijas,', सवाल का समय: 0.02सेकंड
परिणाम को परिष्कृत करें
Treatment of Knee Osteochondral Lesions Using a Novel Clot of Autologous Plasma Rich in Growth Factors Mixed with Healthy Hyaline Cartilage Chips and Intra-Articular Injection of P... द्वारा Ramón Cugat, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Gilbert Steinbacher, Pedro Álvarez-Díaz, Xavier Cuscó, Roberto Seijas, David Barastegui, Jordi Navarro, Patricia Laiz, Montserrat García-Balletbó
प्रकाशित 2017-01-01
लेख -
Translation and cross‐cultural adaptation to Spanish of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Return to Sport after Injury Scale (SP ACL‑RSI): Measurement properties and responsiveness in... द्वारा Rafel Donat‐Roca, Violeida Sánchez‐Socarrás, José M. Romero‐Sánchez, Salomé Tárrega, Tània Estapé‐Madinabeitia, Carles Escalona‐Marfil, Roberto Seijas, Georgia Romero‐Cullerés, Carolina Ochoa, Kate E. Webster
प्रकाशित 2024-10-01