Showing 1 - 16 results of 16 for search 'Robotham, A', query time: 0.08s
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Radio source extraction with ProFound by Hale, C, Robotham, A, Davies, L, Jarvis, M, Driver, S, Heywood, I
Published 2019Journal article -
Galaxy and Mass Assembly: the evolution of bias in the radio source population to z similar to 1.5 by Lindsay, SN, Jarvis, M, Santos, MG, Brown, M, Croom, S, Driver, S, Hopkins, A, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Norberg, P, Robotham, A
Published 2014Journal article -
Megamorph - multiwavelength measurement of galaxy structure: Complete Sérsic profile information from modern surveys by Häußler, B, Bamford, S, Vika, M, Rojas, A, Barden, M, Kelvin, L, Alpaslan, M, Robotham, A, Driver, S, Baldry, I, Brough, S, Hopkins, A, Liske, J, Nichol, R, Popescu, C, Tuffs, R
Published 2013Journal article -
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the wavelength-dependent sizes and profiles of galaxies revealed by MegaMorph by Vulcani, B, Bamford, S, Haeussler, B, Vika, M, Rojas, A, Agius, N, Baldry, I, Bauer, A, Brown, M, Driver, S, Graham, A, Kelvin, L, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Popescu, C, Robotham, A, Tuffs, R
Published 2014Journal article -
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Structural Investigation of Galaxies via Model Analysis by Kelvin, L, Driver, S, Robotham, A, Hill, D, Alpaslan, M, Baldry, I, Bamford, S, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Graham, A, Häussler, B, Hopkins, A, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Norberg, P, Phillipps, S, Popescu, C, Prescott, M, Taylor, E, Tuffs, R
Published 2012Journal article -
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The environments of high- and low-excitation radio galaxies by Ching, J, Croom, S, Sadler, E, Robotham, A, Brough, S, Baldry, I, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Colless, M, Driver, S, Holwerda, B, Hopkins, A, Jarvis, M, Johnston, H, Kelvin, L, Liske, J, Loveday, J, Norberg, P, Pracy, M, Steele, O, Thomas, D, Wang, L
Published 2017Journal article -
Galaxy and mass assembly: the 1.4 GHz SFR indicator, SFR–M* relation and predictions for ASKAP–GAMA by Davies, L, Huynh, M, Hopkins, A, Seymour, N, Driver, S, Robotham, A, Baldry, I, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bourne, N, Bremer, M, Brown, M, Brough, S, Cluver, M, Grootes, M, Jarvis, M, Loveday, J, Moffet, A, Owers, M, Phillipps, S, Sadler, E, Wang, L, Wilkins, S, Wright, A
Published 2016Journal article -
The new galaxy evolution paradigm revealed by the Herschel surveys by Eales, S, Smith, D, Bourne, N, Loveday, J, Rowlands, K, Werf, P, Driver, S, Dunne, L, Dye, S, Furlanetto, C, Ivison, R, Maddox, S, Robotham, A, Smith, M, Taylor, E, Valiante, E, Wright, A, Cigan, P, De Zotti, G, Jarvis, M, Marchetti, L, Michałowski, M, Phillipps, S, Viaene, S, Vlahakis, C
Published 2017Journal article -
Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: a difference between star formation rates in strong-line and weak-line radio galaxies by Hardcastle, M, Ching, J, Virdee, J, Jarvis, M, Croom, S, Sadler, E, Mauch, T, Smith, D, Stevens, J, Baes, M, Baldry, I, Brough, S, Cooray, A, Dariush, A, De Zotti, G, Driver, S, Dunne, L, Dye, S, Eales, S, Hopwood, R, Liske, J, Maddox, S, Michalowski, M, Rigby, E, Robotham, A
Published 2013Journal article -
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release by Driver, S, Hill, D, Kelvin, L, Robotham, A, Liske, J, Norberg, P, Baldry, I, Bamford, S, Hopkins, A, Loveday, J, Peacock, J, Andrae, E, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Brown, M, Cameron, E, Ching, J, Colless, M, Conselice, C, Croom, S, Cross, N, De Propris, R, Dye, S, Drinkwater, M, Ellis, S
Published 2011Journal article -
WALLABY early science – I. The NGC 7162 galaxy group by Reynolds, T, Westmeier, T, Staveley-Smith, L, Elagali, A, For, B, Kleiner, D, Koribalski, B, Lee-Waddell, K, Madrid, J, Popping, A, Rhee, J, Whiting, M, Wong, O, Davies, L, Driver, S, Robotham, A, Allison, J, Bekiaris, G, Collier, J, Heald, G, Meyer, M, Chippendale, A, Macleod, A, Voronkov, M
Published 2018Journal article -
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Spectroscopic analysis by Hopkins, A, Driver, S, Brough, S, Owers, MS, Bauer, A, Gunawardhana, M, Cluver, M, Colless, M, Foster, C, Lara-Lopez, M, Roseboom, I, Sharp, R, Steele, O, Thomas, D, Baldry, I, Brown, M, Liske, J, Norberg, P, Robotham, A, Bamford, S, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Drinkwater, M, Loveday, J, Meyer, M, Peacock, J
Published 2013Journal article -
Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): Motivation, design and target catalogue by Davies, L, Robotham, A, Driver, S, Lagos, C, Cortese, L, Mannering, E, Foster, C, Lidman, C, Hashemizadeh, A, Koushan, S, O’Toole, S, Baldry, I, Bilicki, M, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Bremer, M, Brown, M, Bryant, J, Catinella, B, Croom, S, Grootes, M, Holwerda, B, Jarvis, M, Maddox, N, Meyer, M, Moffett, A, Phillipps, S, Taylor, E, Windhorst, R, Wolf, C
Published 2018Journal article -
The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 deg 2 of KiDS weak lensing data by van Uitert, E, Cacciato, M, Hoekstra, H, Brouwer, M, Sifón, C, Viola, M, Baldry, I, Bland-Hawthorn, J, Brough, S, Brown, M, Choi, A, Driver, S, Erben, T, Heymans, C, Hildebrandt, H, Joachimi, B, Kuijken, K, Liske, J, Loveday, J, McFarland, J, Miller, L, Nakajima, R, Peacock, J, Radovich, M, Robotham, A, Schneider, P, Sikkema, G, Taylor, E, Verdoes Kleijn, G
Published 2016Journal article -
Large sSynoptic Survey Telescope Galaxies Science Roadmap by Robertson, BE, Banerji, M, Cooper, MC, Davies, R, Driver, SP, Ferguson, AMN, Ferguson, HC, Gawiser, E, Kaviraj, S, Knapen, JH, Lintott, C, Lotz, J, Newman, JA, Norman, DJ, Padilla, N, Schmidt, SJ, Smith, GP, Tyson, JA, Verma, A, Zehavi, I, Armus, L, Avestruz, C, Barrientos, LF, Bowler, RAA, Bremer, MN, Conselice, CJ, Davies, J, Demarco, R, Dickinson, ME, Galaz, G, Grazian, A, Holwerda, BW, Jarvis, MJ, Kasliwal, V, Lacerna, I, Loveday, J, Marshall, P, Merlin, E, Napolitano, NR, Puzia, TH, Robotham, A, Salim, S, Sereno, M, Snyder, GF, Stott, JP, Tissera, PB, Werner, N, Yoachim, P, Borne, KD, LSST Galaxies Science Collaboration
Published 2017Internet publication