Zobrazuji výsledky 1 - 10 z 10 pro vyhledávání 'Rogalsky, S', doba hledání: 0,03 s.
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The Use of Cloud Services for Creation an Electronic Abstract of Student Autor E. S. Rogalsky
Vydáno 2016-06-01
Článek -
The use of layered model when implementing E-learning Autor E. S. Rogalsky
Vydáno 2017-12-01
Článek -
The Use of Cloud Services for Creation an Electronic Abstract of Student Autor E. S. Rogalsky
Vydáno 2016-06-01
Článek -
The Role of the Anterior Temporal Lobe in Sentence Processing Autor Corianne Rogalsky
Vydáno 2018-09-01
Článek -
The use of layered model when implementing E-learning Autor E. S. Rogalsky
Vydáno 2017-12-01
Článek -
Examining c-di-GMP and possible quorum sensing regulation in pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25: Links between intra- and inter-cellular regulation benefits community cooperative activi... Autor Moshynets, OV, Foster, D, Karakhim, SA, McLaughlin, K, Rogalsky, SP, Rymar, SY, Volynets, GP, Spiers, AJ
Vydáno 2018Journal article -
Antibacterial Activity of 1-Dodecylpyridinium Tetrafluoroborate and Its Inclusion Complex With Sulfobutyl Ether-β-Cyclodextrin Against MDR Acinetobacter baumannii Strains Autor Sergiy Rogalsky, Diana Hodyna, Ivan Semenyuta, Mykhaylo Frasinyuk, Oksana Tarasyuk, Sergii Riabov, Larisa Kobrina, Igor Tetko, Larysa Metelytsia
Vydáno 2023-11-01
Článek -
Clinical and serological features of patients referred through a rheumatology triage system because of positive antinuclear antibodies. Autor Christie Fitch-Rogalsky, Whitney Steber, Michael Mahler, Terri Lupton, Liam Martin, Susan G Barr, Dianne P Mosher, James Wick, Marvin J Fritzler
Vydáno 2014-01-01
Článek -
Biofilm formation and cellulose expression by Bordetella avium 197N, the causative agent of bordetellosis in birds and an opportunistic respiratory pathogen in humans Autor McLaughlin, K, Folorunso, A, Deeni, Y, Foster, D, Gorbatiuk, O, Hapca, S, Immoor, C, Koza, A, Mohammed, I, Moshynets, O, Rogalsky, S, Zawadzki, K, Spiers, A
Vydáno 2017Journal article -
List of Contributors Autor Hermann Ackermann, Mauro Adenzato, Diana R. Alkire, Luc H. Arnal, Cesar Ávila, Bruno G. Bara, Brian Barton, Shari R. Baum, Michael S. Beauchamp, Jeffrey R. Binder, Ferdinand Christoph Binkofski, Shane Blau, Sheila E. Blumstein, Tobias Bormann, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Francesca M. Branzi, Bettina Brendel, Alyssa A. Brewer, Iris Broce, Timothy T. Brown, Bradley R. Buchsbaum, David Caplan, Svenja Caspers, Tracy M. Centanni, Edward F. Chang, Jennifer Chesters, Derya Çokal, Emily L. Connally, David P. Corina, H. Branch Coslett, Albert Costa, Steven C. Cramer, Suzanne Curtin, Matthew H. Davis, Gary S. Dell, Özlem Ece Demir, Isabelle Deschamps, Anthony Steven Dick, Frederic Dick, Danielle S. Dickson, Hugues Duffau, E. Susan Duncan, Guinevere F. Eden, Crystal T. Engineer, Ivan Enrici, Julia L. Evans, Tanya M. Evans, Luciano Fadiga, Kara D. Federmeier, Fernanda Ferreira, Evelyn C. Ferstl, Julie A. Fiez, Simon E. Fisher, Carol A. Fowler, Julius Fridriksson, Angela D. Friederici, Jackson T. Gandour, Fatemeh Geranmayeh, Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Marta Ghio, Anne-Lise Giraud, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini, Vincent L. Gracco, Elizabeth J. Grace, Deanna J. Greene, Frank H. Guenther, Peter Hagoort, Uri Hasson, Olaf Hauk, Shannon Heald, Arturo E. Hernandez, Gregory Hickok, Argye E. Hillis, Lori L. Holt, Norbert Hornstein, John F. Houde, William J. Idsardi, Cassandra L. Jacobs, Ned Jenkinson, Ingrid S. Johnsrude, Michael P. Kilgard, Tilo Kircher, Juliane Klann, Serena Klos, Sonja A. Kotz, Anthony J. Krafnick, Ananthanarayan Krishnan, Saloni Krishnan, Dorothee Kuemmerer, Marta Kutas, Robert Leech, Matthew K. Leonard, Christina N. Lessov-Schlaggar, Susan C. Levine, Daniel A. Llano, Andrew J. Lotto, Alec Marantz, Conor T. McLennan, Lars Meyer, Lee M. Miller, Bettina Mohr, Philip J. Monahan, Emily M. Morson, Mariachristina Musso, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, Arne Nagels, Hal X. Nguyen, Nazbanou Nozari, Howard Nusbaum, Olumide A. Olulade, Karalyn Patterson, Silke Paulmann, Michael Petrides, David B. Pisoni, David Poeppel, Peter Pressman, Friedemann Pulvermüller, Liina Pylkkänen, Anjali Raja Beharelle, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, Kathleen Rastle, Josef P. Rauschecker, Jessica D. Richardson, Michel Rijntjes, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Jennifer M. Rodd, Corianne Rogalsky, Stefano Rozzi, Ayşe Pinar Saygin, Bradley L. Schlaggar, Gottfried Schlaug, Matthias Schlesewsky, Myrna F. Schwartz, Michael Schwartze, Sophie K. Scott, Steven L. Small, Kimberly Smith, Jon Sprouse, Anja Staiger, Craig E.L. Stark, Shauna M. Stark, Adrian Staub, Edward Taub, Marco Tettamanti, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill, Donna C. Tippett, Pascale Tremblay, Peter Turkeltaub, Michael T. Ullman, Kate E. Watkins, Cornelius Weiller, Richard J.S. Wise, Jeffrey M. Zacks, Wolfram Ziegler
Vydáno 2018-09-01