Rorden Wilkinson
Rorden Wilkinson FAcSS FRSA (born 13 February 1970) is a British Australian academic, author, and university leader. He is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Professor of
International Political Economy at
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He was previously Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and Professor of
International Political Economy at the
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Innovation), Professor of
Global Political Economy, and a Fellow of the UK Trade Policy Observatory at the
University of Sussex; and Professor of
International Political Economy and Research Director of the
Brooks World Poverty Institute at the
University of Manchester. He did his
doctoral work and began his academic career at the
University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has been a visiting scholar at
Brown University, USA,
Wellesley College, USA, and the
Australian National University.
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