Showing 1 - 16 results of 16 for search 'Rudenko A', 查詢時間: 0.03s
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Beneficial effects on vision in patients undergoing retinal gene therapy for choroideremia 由 Xue, K, Jolly, J, Barnard, A, Rudenko, A, Salvetti, A, Patrício, M, Edwards, T, Groppe, M, Orlans, H, Tolmachova, T, Black, G, Webster, A, Lotery, A, Holder, G, Downes, S, Seabra, M, MacLaren, R
出版 2018Journal article -
Time-resolved imaging of transient charge transfer dynamics 由 Allum, F, Kumagai, Y, Nagaya, K, Harries, J, Iwayama, H, Niozu, A, Ashfold, M, Britton, M, Bucksbaum, P, Brouard, M, Burt, M, Heathcote, D, Hockett, P, Howard, A, Kukk, E, Lee, J, Liu, Y, McManus, J, Milesevic, D, Minns, R, Niskannen, J, Orr-Ewing, A, Rolles, D, Rudenko, A, Ueda, K, Unwin, J, Vallance, C, Walmsley, T, Forbes, R
出版 2022Conference item -
Multi-channel photodissociation and XUV-induced charge transfer dynamics in strong-field-ionized methyl iodide studied with time-resolved recoil-frame covariance imaging 由 Allum, F, Anders, N, Brouard, M, Burt, M, Vallance, C, Bucksbaum, P, Downes-Ward, B, Grundmann, S, Harries, J, Ishimura, Y, Iwayama, H, Kaiser, L, Kukk, E, Lee, J, Liu, X, Minns, RS, Nagaya, K, Niozu, A, Niskanen, J, O'Neal, J, Owada, S, Pickering, J, Rolles, D, Rudenko, A, Saito, S, Ueda, K, Werby, N, Woodhouse, J, You, D, Ziaee, F, Driver, T, Forbes, R
出版 2020Journal article -
Photodissociation of aligned CH3I and C6H3F2I molecules probed with time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging by site-selective extreme ultraviolet ionization 由 Amini, K, Savelyev, E, Brauße, F, Berrah, N, Bomme, C, Brouard, M, Burt, M, Christensen, L, Düsterer, S, Erk, B, Höppner, H, Kierspel, T, Krecinic, F, Lauer, A, Lee, J, Müller, M, Müller, E, Mullins, T, Redlin, H, Schirmel, N, Thøgersen, J, Techert, S, Toleikis, S, Treusch, R, Trippel, S, Ulmer, A, Vallance, C, Wiese, J, Johnsson, P, Küpper, J, Rudenko, A, Rouzée, A, Stapelfeldt, H, Rolles, D, Boll, R
出版 2018Journal article -
Direct momentum imaging of charge transfer following site-selective ionization 由 Allum, F, Kumagai, Y, Nagaya, K, Harries, J, Iwayama, H, Britton, M, Bucksbaum, PH, Burt, M, Brouard, M, Downes-Ward, B, Driver, T, Heathcote, D, Hockett, P, Howard, AJ, Lee, JWL, Liu, Y, Kukk, E, McManus, JW, Milsesevic, D, Niozu, A, Niskanen, J, Orr-Ewing, AJ, Owada, S, Robertson, PA, Rudenko, A, Ueda, K, Unwin, J, Vallance, C, Walmsley, T, Minns, RS, Rolles, D, Ashfold, MNR, Forbes, R
出版 2023Journal article -
Disentangling sequential and concerted fragmentations of molecular polycations with covariant native frame analysis 由 McManus, JW, Walmsley, T, Nagaya, K, Harries, JR, Kumagai, Y, Iwayama, H, Ashfold, MNR, Britton, M, Bucksbaum, PH, Downes-Ward, B, Driver, T, Heathcote, D, Hockett, P, Howard, AJ, Kukk, E, Lee, JWL, Liu, Y, Milesevic, D, Minns, RS, Niozu, A, Niskanen, J, Orr-Ewing, AJ, Owada, S, Rolles, D, Robertson, PA, Rudenko, A, Ueda, K, Unwin, J, Vallance, C, Burt, M, Brouard, M, Forbes, R, Allum, F
出版 2022Journal article -
Alignment, orientation, and Coulomb explosion of difluoroiodobenzene studied with the pixel imaging mass spectrometry (PImMS) camera 由 Amini, K, Boll, R, Lauer, A, Burt, M, Lee, J, Christensen, L, Brauβe, F, Mullins, T, Savelyev, E, Ablikim, U, Berrah, N, Bomme, C, Düsterer, S, Erk, B, Höppner, H, Johnsson, P, Kierspel, T, Krecinic, F, Küpper, J, Müller, M, Müller, E, Redlin, H, Rouzée, A, Schirmel, N, Thøgersen, J, Techert, S, Toleikis, S, Treusch, R, Trippel, S, Ulmer, A, Wiese, J, Vallance, C, Rudenko, A, Stapelfeldt, H, Brouard, M, Rolles, D
出版 2017Journal article -
Jitter-correction for IR/UV-XUV pump-probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser 由 Savelyev, E, Boll, R, Bomme, C, Schirmel, N, Redlin, H, Erk, B, Düsterer, S, Müller, E, Höppner, H, Toleikis, S, Müller, J, Kristin Czwalinna, M, Treusch, R, Kierspel, T, Mullins, T, Trippel, S, Wiese, J, Küpper, J, Brauβe, F, Krecinic, F, Rouzée, A, Rudawski, P, Johnsson, P, Amini, K, Lauer, A, Burt, M, Brouard, M, Christensen, L, Thøgersen, J, Stapelfeldt, H, Berrah, N, Müller, M, Ulmer, A, Techert, S, Rudenko, A, Rolles, D
出版 2017Journal article -
The role of momentum partitioning in covariance ion imaging analysis 由 Walmsley, T, McManus, JW, Kumagai, Y, Nagaya, K, Harries, J, Iwayama, H, Ashfold, MNR, Britton, M, Bucksbaum, PH, Downes-Ward, B, Driver, T, Heathcote, D, Hockett, P, Howard, AJ, Lee, JWL, Liu, Y, Kukk, E, Minns, RS, Niozu, A, Niskanen, J, Orr-Ewing, AJ, Owada, S, Robertson, PA, Rolles, D, Rudenko, A, Ueda, K, Unwin, J, Vallance, C, Milesevic, D, Robinson, P, Unwin, J, Vallance, C, Brouard, M, Burt, M, Allum, F, Forbes, R
出版 2024Journal article -
Exploring the ultrafast and isomer-dependent photodissociation of iodothiophenes via site-selective ionization 由 Razmus, WO, Allum, F, Harries, J, Kumagai, Y, Nagaya, K, Bhattacharyya, S, Britton, M, Brouard, M, Bucksbaum, PH, Cheung, K, Crane, SW, Fushitani, M, Gabalski, I, Tatsuo, G, Ghrist, A, Heathcote, D, Hikosaka, Y, Hishikawa, A, Hockett, P, Jones, E, Kukk, E, Iwayama, H, Lam, HVS, McManus, JW, Milesevic, D, Mikosch, J, Minemoto, S, Niozu, A, Orr-Ewing, AJ, Owada, S, Rolles, D, Rudenko, A, Townsend, D, Ueda, K, Unwin, J, Vallance, C, Venkatachalam, AS, Wada, S-I, Walmsley, T, Warne, EM, Woodhouse, JL, Burt, M, Ashfold, MNR, Minns, RS, Forbes, R
出版 2024Journal article -
Coulomb-explosion imaging of concurrent photodissociation dynamics 由 Burt, M, Boll, R, Lee, J, Amini, K, Köckert, H, Vallance, C, Gentleman, A, Mackenzie, S, Bari, S, Bomme, C, Düsterer, S, Erk, B, Manschwetus, B, Müller, E, Rompotis, D, Savelyev, E, Schirmel, N, Techert, S, Treusch, R, Küpper, J, Trippel, S, Wiese, J, Stapelfeldt, H, de Miranda, B, Guillemin, R, Ismail, I, Journel, L, Marchenko, T, Palaudoux, J, Penent, F, Piancastelli, M, Simon, M, Travnikova, O, Brausse, F, Goldsztejn, G, Rouzée, A, Géléoc, M, Geneaux, R, Ruchon, T, Underwood, J, Holland, D, Mereshchenko, A, Olshin, P, Johnsson, P, Maclot, S, Lahl, J, Rudenko, A, Ziaee, F, Brouard, M, Rolles, D
出版 2017Journal article -
Time-resolved inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy: From a bound molecule to an isolated atom 由 Brauße, F, Goldsztejn, G, Amini, K, Boll, R, Bari, S, Bomme, C, Brouard, M, Burt, M, De Miranda, B, Düsterer, S, Erk, B, Géléoc, M, Geneaux, R, Gentleman, A, Guillemin, R, Ismail, I, Johnsson, P, Journel, L, Kierspel, T, Köckert, H, Küpper, J, Lablanquie, P, Lahl, J, Lee, J, Mackenzie, S, Maclot, S, Manschwetus, B, Mereshchenko, A, Mullins, T, Olshin, P, Palaudoux, J, Patchkovskii, S, Penent, F, Piancastelli, M, Rompotis, D, Ruchon, T, Rudenko, A, Savelyev, E, Schirmel, N, Techert, S, Travnikova, O, Trippel, S, Underwood, J, Vallance, C, Wiese, J, Simon, M, Holland, D, Marchenko, T, Rouzée, A, Rolles, D
出版 2018Journal article -
Coulomb explosion imaging of CH3I and CH2ClI photodissociation dynamics 由 Allum, F, Burt, M, Amini, K, Boll, R, Köckert, H, Olshin, P, Bari, S, Bomme, C, Brauße, F, Cunha De Miranda, B, Düsterer, S, Erk, B, Géléoc, M, Geneaux, R, Gentleman, A, Goldsztejn, G, Guillemin, R, Holland, D, Ismail, I, Johnsson, P, Journel, L, Küpper, J, Lahl, J, Lee, J, Maclot, S, Mackenzie, S, Manschwetus, B, Mereshchenko, A, Mason, R, Palaudoux, J, Piancastelli, M, Penent, F, Rompotis, D, Rouzée, A, Ruchon, T, Rudenko, A, Savelyev, E, Simon, M, Schirmel, N, Stapelfeldt, H, Techert, S, Travnikova, O, Trippel, S, Underwood, J, Vallance, C, Wiese, J, Ziaee, F, Brouard, M, Marchenko, T, Rolles, D
出版 2018Journal article -
UV-induced dissociation of CH2BrI probed by intense femtosecond XUV pulses 由 Köckert, H, Lee, J, Allum, F, Amini, K, Bari, S, Bomme, C, Brauße, F, Brouard, M, Burt, M, Cunha de Miranda, B, Duesterer, S, Johnsson, P, Erk, B, Geleoc, M, Géneaux, R, Gentleman, AS, Guillemin, R, Goldsztejn, G, Holland, DMP, Ismail, I, Journel, L, Kierspel, T, Küpper, J, Lahl, J, Mackenzie, SR, Maclot, S, Manschwetus, B, Mereshchenko, AS, Mullins, T, Olshin, P, Palaudoux, J, Penent, F, Piancastelli, MN, Rompotis, D, Rouzee, A, Ruchon, T, Rudenko, A, Schirmel, N, Simon, M, Techert, S, Travnikova, O, Trippel, SH, Vallance, C, Wang, E, Wiese, J, Ziaee, F, Marchenko, T, Rolles, D, Boll, R
出版 2022Journal article