Showing 1 - 2 results of 2 for search 'Scoutellas, V', सवाल का समय: 0.02सेकंड
परिणाम को परिष्कृत करें
Making use of comparable health data to improve quality of care and outcomes in diabetes: the EUBIROD review of diabetes registries and data sources in Europe द्वारा Carinci, F, Štotl, I, Cunningham, SG, Poljicanin, T, Pristas, I, Traynor, V, Olympios, G, Scoutellas, V, Azzopardi, J, Doggen, K, Sandor, J, Adany, R, Løvaas, KF, Jarosz-Chobot, P, Polanska, J, Pruna, S, de Lusignan, S, Monesi, M, Di Bartolo, P, Scheidt-Nave, C, Heidemann, C, Zucker, I, Maurina, A, Lepiksone, J, Rossing, P, Arffman, M, Keskimäki, I, Gudbjornsdottir, S, Di Iorio, CT, Dupont, E, de Sabata, S, Klazinga, N, Benedetti, MM
प्रकाशित 2021Journal article