Franco Selleri

He is known for his analysis of the foundations of relativity theory and quantum mechanics. Several solutions have been proposed for the paradoxes pointed out by him. Philosophically, his position was that of a realist. He was in close contact with Karl Popper who, though very old, took part in a conference on the subject that Selleri organized in 1985 in Bari.
He had numerous visiting professorships and fellowships, including CERN, Saclay, University of Nebraska, Cornell University, and Dubna. Also, he was the recipient of a medal from Gdanskie Towarzystwo Naukowe (Poland). During his scientific career, he published more than 200 papers in particle physics, quantum theory, relativity and history and philosophy of physics. He was the author of numerous books and editor of numerous conference proceedings on topics relating to the foundations of physics. Provided by Wikipedia