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''Shumai'' in a [[bamboo steamer]] | h = sehw mai | y = sīumáai | j = siu1 maai2 | ci = | poj = sio-māi | qn = xíu mại | chuhan = 燒賣 | kanji = 焼売 | hirakana = しゅうまい | kana = シュウマイ | romaji = shūmai | tha = ขนมจีบ | rtgs = khanom chip | tgl = siomai / siyomay | hin = momo | ind = siomai / siomay / somay }}

''Shumai'' () is a type of traditional Chinese dumpling made of ground pork. In Cantonese cuisine, it is usually served as a dim sum snack. In addition to accompanying the Chinese diaspora, variations of ''shumai'' are found in Japan and Southeast Asia, such as the Indonesian ''siomay''. In Australia, it developed into dim sim. Provided by Wikipedia