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Отмена результатов
Biceps tenotomy vs. tenodesis: an ACS-NSQIP analysis of postoperative outcomes and utilization trends по Bilal S. Siddiq, BS, Michael C. Dean, BA, Stephen M. Gillinov, AB, Jonathan S. Lee, BA, Kieran S. Dowley, BA, Nathan J. Cherian, MD, Scott D. Martin, MD
Опубликовано 2024-07-01
Статья -
Athletes With Partial Extensor Mechanism Tears of the Knee Achieve Variable Return-to-Sport Rates Following Operative Versus Nonoperative Management: A Systematic Review по Stephen M. Gillinov, A.B., Bilal S. Siddiq, B.S., Jonathan S. Lee, B.A., Kieran S. Dowley, B.A., Nathan J. Cherian, M.D., Scott D. Martin, M.D.
Опубликовано 2024-08-01
Статья -
Neither Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate nor Platelet-Rich Plasma Improves Patient-Reported Outcomes After Surgical Management of Acetabular Labral Tears; However, Bone Marrow Aspi... по Bilal S. Siddiq, B.S., Riccardo Giorgino, M.D., Stephen M. Gillinov, A.B., Jonathan S. Lee, B.A., Kieran S. Dowley, B.A., Nathan J. Cherian, M.D., Scott D. Martin, M.D.
Опубликовано 2024-12-01
Статья -
Os Acetabuli Do Not Portend Inferior 2-Year Functional Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Acetabular Labral Reconstruction по Bilal S. Siddiq, B.S., Jeffrey S. Mun, B.A., Michael C. Dean, B.A., Stephen M. Gillinov, A.B., Jonathan S. Lee, B.A., Kieran S. Dowley, B.A., Nathan J. Cherian, M.D., Scott D. Martin, M.D.
Опубликовано 2025-02-01
Статья -
Biceps tenotomy vs. tenodesis in patients undergoing transtendinous repair of partial thickness rotator cuff tears по Trevor J. McBroom, MD, Kaveh A. Torabian, MS, Nathan J. Cherian, MD, Stephen M. Gillinov, AB, Bilal S. Siddiq, BS, Edwin O. Chaharbakhshi, MD, Christopher T. Eberlin, MD, Michael P. Kucharik, MD, Paul F. Abraham, MD, Scott D. Martin, MD
Опубликовано 2024-07-01