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Making the most of existing data in conservation research Bằng Allison D. Binley, Jaimie G. Vincent, Trina Rytwinski, Peter Soroye, Joseph R. Bennett
Được phát hành 2024-04-01
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A policy scan related to assisted migration as a climate change adaptation tactic in Canada reveals major policy gaps Bằng S.J. Cooke, J. Vermey, J.J. Taylor, T. Rytwinski, W.M. Twardek, G. Auld, R. Van Bogaert, A.L. MacDonald
Được phát hành 2024-01-01
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How do changes in flow magnitude due to hydropower operations affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review Bằng Meagan Harper, Trina Rytwinski, Jessica J. Taylor, Joseph R. Bennett, Karen E. Smokorowski, Julian D. Olden, Keith D. Clarke, Tom Pratt, Neil Fisher, Alf Leake, Steven J. Cooke
Được phát hành 2022-02-01
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What are the relative risks of mortality and injury for fish during downstream passage at hydroelectric dams in temperate regions? A systematic review Bằng Dirk A. Algera, Trina Rytwinski, Jessica J. Taylor, Joseph R. Bennett, Karen E. Smokorowski, Philip M. Harrison, Keith D. Clarke, Eva C. Enders, Michael Power, Mark S. Bevelhimer, Steven J. Cooke
Được phát hành 2020-01-01
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What is the evidence that counter‐wildlife crime interventions are effective for conserving African, Asian and Latin American wildlife directly threatened by exploitation? A system... Bằng T. Rytwinski, M. J. Muir, J. R. B. Miller, A. Smith, L. A. Kelly, J. R. Bennett, S. L. A. Öckerman, J. J. Taylor, A. M. Lemieux, R. S. A. Pickles, M. L. Gore, S. F. Pires, A. Pokempner, H. Slaughter, D. P. Carlson, D. N. Adhiasto, I. Arroyo Quiroz, S. J. Cooke
Được phát hành 2024-04-01
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