Showing 1 - 10 results of 10 for search 'T2K Collaboration', query time: 0.03s
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Measurement of double-differential muon neutrino charged-current interactions on C8H8 without pions in the final state using the T2K off-axis beam by Barr, G, Dewhurst, D, Dolan, S, Duffy, K, Jacob, A, Lu, X, Shah, R, Vacheret, A, Wark, D, Weber, A, The T2K Collaboration (314 others)
Published 2016Journal article -
Measurement of muon antineutrino oscillations with an accelerator-produced off-axis beam. by Barr, G, Dewhurst, D, Dolan, S, Duffy, K, Jacob, A, Lu, X, Shah, R, Vacheret, A, Wark, D, Weber, A, The T2K Collaboration (319 Others)
Published 2016Journal article -
Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations by the T2K experiment including a new additional sample of nu(e) interactions at the far detector by Abe, K, Amey, J, Andreopoulos, C, Barr, G, Coplowe, D, Dolan, S, Lu, X, Shah, R, Vladisavljevic, T, Wark, D, Weber, A, T2K Collaboration et al.
Published 2017Journal article -
Combined analysis of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations at T2K by Abe, K, Amey, J, Andreopoulos, C, Barr, G, Coplowe, D, Dolan, S, Lu, X, Shah, R, Vladisavljevic, T, Wark, D, Weber, A, T2K Collaboration et al.
Published 2017Journal article -
Measurement of (nu)over-bar(mu) and nu(mu) charged current inclusive cross sections and their ratio with the T2K off-axis near detector by Abe, K, Amey, J, Andreopoulos, C, Barr, G, Coplowe, D, Dolan, S, Lu, X, Shah, R, Vladisavljevic, T, Wark, D, Weber, A, T2K Collaboration et al.
Published 2017Journal article -
Measurement of coherent π^{+} production in low energy neutrino-carbon scattering by T2K Collaboration, Abe, K, Andreopoulos, C, Antonova, M, Barr, G, Coplowe, D, Dewhurst, D, Dolan, S, Duffy, K, Jacob, A, Lu, X, Shah, R, Vacheret, A, Wark, D, Weber, A, al., E
Published 2016Journal article -
Search for light sterile neutrinos with the T2K far detector Super-Kamiokande at a baseline of 295km by Abe, K, Akutsu, R, Ali, A, Andreopoulos, C, Anthony, L, Antonova, M, Aoki, S, Ariga, A, Ashida, Y, Awataguchi, Y, Azuma, Y, Ban, S, Barbi, M, Barker, GJ, Barr, G, Barry, C, Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, M, Bench, F, Berardi, V, Berkman, S, Berner, RM, Berns, L, Bhadra, S, Bienstock, S, Blondel, A, Bolognesi, S, Bourguille, B, Boyd, SB, Brailsford, D, Bravar, A, Bronner, C, Avanzini, MB, Calcutt, J, Campbell, T, Cao, S, Cartwright, SL, Catanesi, MG, Cervera, A, Chappell, A, Checchia, C, Cherdack, D, Chikuma, N, Christodoulou, G, Coleman, J, Collazuol, G, Coplowe, D, Cudd, A, Dabrowska, A, De Rosa, G, Dealtry, T, Denner, PF, Dennis, SR, Densham, C, Di Lodovico, F, Dokania, N, Dolan, S, Drapier, O, Duffy, KE, Dumarchez, J, Dunne, P, Emery-Schrenk, S, Ereditato, A, Fernandez, P, Feusels, T, Finch, AJ, Fiorentini, GA, Fiorillo, G, Francois, C, Friend, M, Fujii, Y, Fujita, R, Fukuda, D, Fukuda, Y, Gameil, K, Giganti, C, Gizzarelli, F, Golan, T, Gonin, M, Hadley, DR, Haigh, JT, Hamacher-Baumann, P, Hartz, M, Hasegawa, T, Hastings, NC, Hayashino, T, Hayato, Y, Hiramoto, A, Hogan, M, Holeczek, J, Van, NTH, Hosomi, F, Iacob, F, Ichikawa, AK, Ikeda, M, Inoue, T, Intonti, RA, Ishida, T, Ishii, T, Ishitsuka, M, Iwamoto, K, Izmaylov, A, Jamieson, B, Jesus, C, Jiang, M, Johnson, S, Jonsson, P, Jung, CK, Kabirnezhad, M, Kaboth, AC, Kajita, T, Kakuno, H, Kameda, J, Karlen, D, Katori, T, Kato, Y, Kearns, E, Khabibullin, M, Khotjantsev, A, Kim, H, Kim, J, King, S, Kisiel, J, Knight, A, Knox, A, Kobayashi, T, Koch, L, Koga, T, Konaka, A, Kormos, LL, Koshio, Y, Kowalik, K, Kubo, H, Kudenko, Y, Kurjata, R, Kutter, T, Kuze, M, Labarga, L, Lagoda, J, Lamoureux, M, Lasorak, P, Laveder, M, Lawe, M, Licciardi, M, Lindner, T, Litchfield, RP, Li, X, Longhin, A, Lopez, JP, Lou, T, Ludovici, L, Lu, X, Lux, T, Magaletti, L, Mahn, K, Malek, M, Manly, S, Maret, L, Marino, AD, Martin, JF, Martins, P, Maruyama, T, Matsubara, T, Matveev, V, Mavrokoridis, K, Ma, WY, Mazzucato, E, McCarthy, M, McCauley, N, McFarland, KS, McGrew, C, Mefodiev, A, Metelko, C, Mezzetto, M, Minamino, A, Mineev, O, Mine, S, Miura, M, Bueno, LM, Moriyama, S, Morrison, J, Mueller, TA, Murphy, S, Nagai, Y, Nakadaira, T, Nakahata, M, Nakajima, Y, Nakamura, A, Nakamura, KG, Nakamura, K, Nakamura, KD, Nakanishi, Y, Nakayama, S, Nakaya, T, Nakayoshi, K, Nantais, C, Niewczas, K, Nishikawa, K, Nishimura, Y, Nonnenmacher, TS, Novella, P, Nowak, J, O'Keeffe, HM, O'Sullivan, L, Okumura, K, Okusawa, T, Oser, SM, Owen, RA, Oyama, Y, Palladino, V, Palomino, JL, Paolone, V, Parker, WC, Paudyal, P, Pavin, M, Payne, D, Pickering, L, Pidcott, C, Guerra, ESP, Pistillo, C, Popov, B, Porwit, K, Posiadala-Zezula, M, Pritchard, A, Quilain, B, Radermacher, T, Radicioni, E, Radics, B, Ratoff, PN, Reinherz-Aronis, E, Riccio, C, Rondio, E, Rossi, B, Roth, S, Rubbia, A, Ruggeri, AC, Rychter, A, Sakashita, K, Sanchez, F, Sasaki, S, Schloesser, CM, Scholberg, K, Schwehr, J, Scott, M, Seiya, Y, Sekiguchi, T, Sekiya, H, Sgalaberna, D, Shah, R, Shaikhiev, A, Shaker, F, Shaw, D, Shaykina, A, Shiozawa, M, Smirnov, A, Smy, M, Sobczyk, JT, Sobel, H, Sonoda, Y, Steinmann, J, Stewart, T, Stowell, P, Suvorov, S, Suzuki, A, Suzuki, SY, Suzuki, Y, Sztuc, AA, Tacik, R, Tada, M, Takeda, A, Takeuchi, Y, Tamura, R, Tanaka, HK, Tanaka, HA, Thompson, LF, Toki, W, Touramanis, C, Tsui, KM, Tsukamoto, T, Tzanov, M, Uchida, Y, Uno, W, Vagins, M, Vallari, Z, Vargas, D, Vasseur, G, Vilela, C, Vladisavljevic, T, Volkov, VV, Wachala, T, Walker, J, Wang, Y, Wark, D, Wascko, MO, Weber, A, Wendell, R, Wilking, MJ, Wilkinson, C, Wilson, JR, Wilson, RJ, Wret, C, Yamada, Y, Yamamoto, K, Yamasu, S, Yanagisawa, C, Yang, G, Yano, T, Yasutome, K, Yen, S, Yershov, N, Yokoyama, M, Yoshida, T, Yu, M, Zalewska, A, Zalipska, J, Zaremba, K, Zarnecki, G, Ziembicki, M, Zimmerman, ED, Zito, M, Zsoldos, S, Zykova, A
Published 2019Other Authors: “…T2K Collaboration…”
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