
Daoyin'' is a series of cognitive body and mind unity exercises practiced as a form of
Daoist ''
neigong'', meditation and mindfulness to cultivate ''
jing'' (essence) and direct and refine ''
qi'', the internal energy of the body according to
traditional Chinese medicine. These exercises are often divided into
yin positions (lying and sitting) and yang positions (standing and moving). The practice of ''daoyin'' was a precursor of
qigong, and blended with the introduction of Indian yoga into China with the spread of Buddhism and was practised in Chinese Taoist monasteries for health and spiritual cultivation. ''Daoyin'' is also said to be a primary formative ingredient in the yin aspects of
Chinese martial arts including the well-known "
soft styles" of the
Chinese martial arts, of
tai chi, and middle road styles like ''Wuxingheqidao''.
The main goal of ''daoyin'' is to create flexibility of the mind, thereby creating harmony between internal and external environments, which relaxes, replenishes and rejuvenates the body, developing in its practitioners a vital and healthy spirit.
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