Miller-Boyett Productions (or simply Miller-Boyett) is an American television production company that mainly developed television sitcoms from the 1970s through the 1990s. It was responsible for family-oriented hit series such as ''Happy Days'', ''Laverne & Shirley'', ''Mork & Mindy'', ''The Hogan Family'', ''Bosom Buddies'', ''Full House'', ''Perfect Strangers'', ''Family Matters'' and ''Step by Step''.The company traces its roots back to Miller-Milkis Productions, which was formed in 1972. Its original run as a production company remained uninterrupted until its initial shutdown in 1999, having changed from the longtime Miller-Boyett name to Miller-Boyett-Warren two years prior. In 2015, the company was resurrected under the former Miller-Boyett name. Provided by Wikipedia