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The Influence Of Motivation On Employee Performance In The Regional Disaster Management Agency Of The City Of Sukabumi Bằng Ghania Khalda, Ike Rachmawati, Tuah Nur
Được phát hành 2023-07-01
Bài viết -
The Strategy of the Tourism Office in Managing Tourist Areas on Pelabuhan Ratu Beach, Sukabumi Regency Bằng Neng Alvi Hasanah, Tuah Nur, Dine Meigawati
Được phát hành 2023-07-01
Bài viết -
Effectiveness of the Integrated Service and Referral System in Handling Social Welfare Problems of the Poor Bằng Rizkiya Sriwahyuni, Tuah Nur, Yana Fajar FY Basori
Được phát hành 2023-07-01
Bài viết -
Evaluation of Policies for the Implementation of Social Welfare for Women in Socio-Economic Vulnerabilities in Sukabumi City Bằng Rayhan Septa Rivaldi, Tuah Nur, M Rijal Amirulloh
Được phát hành 2022-12-01
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