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Tinh chỉnh kết quả
Investigating the use of digital twins in networked commercial UAVs Bằng Vemulapalli, Kautilya.
Được phát hành 2019
Luận văn -
Architecture for data exchange among partially consistent data models Bằng Vemulapalli, Eswar Venkat Ram Prasad, 1976-
Được phát hành 2014
Luận văn -
Artery of Percheron Infarction: A Case Report of Bilateral Thalamic Stroke Presenting with Acute Encephalopathy Bằng Charles Donohoe, Nooshin Kiani Nia, Patricia Carey, Vamsi Vemulapalli
Được phát hành 2022-01-01
Bài viết -
Deep convolutional neural network architecture for facial emotion recognition Bằng Dayananda Pruthviraja, Ujjwal Mohan Kumar, Sunil Parameswaran, Vemulapalli Guna Chowdary, Varun Bharadwaj
Được phát hành 2024-12-01
Bài viết -
Docetaxel-Induced Systemic Sclerosis with Internal Organ Involvement Masquerading as Congestive Heart Failure Bằng Bumsoo Park, Raghavendra C. Vemulapalli, Amit Gupta, Maria E. Shreve, Della A. Rees
Được phát hành 2017-01-01
Bài viết -
Improved expression vector for Brucella species Bằng Mohamed N. Seleem, Ramesh Vemulapalli, Stephen M. Boyle, Gerhardt G. Schurig, Nammalwar Sriranganathan
Được phát hành 2004-11-01
Bài viết -
Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Angiography Derived Computational Fractional Flow Reserve Bằng Madhurima Vardhan, Cyrus Tanade, S. James Chen, Owais Mahmood, Jaidip Chakravartti, W. Schuyler Jones, Andrew M. Kahn, Sreekanth Vemulapalli, Manesh Patel, Jane A. Leopold, Amanda Randles
Được phát hành 2024-07-01
Bài viết -
Heart Watch Study: protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial Bằng Joseph S Ross, James V Freeman, Jonathan P Piccini, Sanket S Dhruva, Tiffany Hu, Joseph G Akar, James P Hummel, Peter A Noseworthy, Abhishek Deshmukh, Sreekanth Vemulapalli, Alexis L Beatty, Ginger M Gamble, Keondae Ervin, Kristine L Arges, Lindsay Emanuel, Victoria Bartlett
Được phát hành 2021-12-01
Bài viết -
Narrow-band imaging for detection of neoplasia at colonoscopy: a meta-analysis of data from individual patients in randomized controlled trials Bằng Atkinson, N, Ket, S, Bassett, P, Aponte, D, De Aguiar, S, Gupta, N, Horimatsu, T, Ikematsu, H, Inoue, T, Kaltenbach, T, Leung, W, Matsuda, T, Paggi, S, Radaelli, F, Rastogi, A, Rex, D, Sabbagh, L, Saito, Y, Sano, Y, Saracco, G, Saunders, B, Senore, C, Soetiko, R, Vemulapalli, K, Jairath, V, East, J
Được phát hành 2019Journal article -
Personalising Outcomes after Child Cardiac Arrest (POCCA): design and recruitment challenges of a multicentre, observational study Bằng Elizabeth Hunt, Katie Smith, Neha Patel, Ericka L Fink, Robert S B Clark, Ashok Panigrahy, Rachel Berger, Jessica Wisnowski, Stefan Bluml, David Maloney, Pamela Rubin, Tamara Haller, Hulya Bayir, Sue R Beers, Patrick M Kochanek, Anthony Fabio, Patrick Kochanek, Robert Clark, Sue Beers, Tony Fabio, Karen Walson, Alexis Topjian, Christopher JL Newth, Jordan Duval-Arnould, Binod Balakrishnan, Michael T Meyer, Melissa G Chung, Anthony Willyerd, Lincoln Smith, Jesse Wenger, Stuart Friess, Jose Pineda, Ashley Siems, Jason Patregnani, John Diddle, Aline Maddux, Lesley Doughty, Juan Piantino, Beena Desai, Maureen G Richardson, Cynthia Bates, Darshana Parikh, Janice Prodell, Maddie Winters, Jeni Kwok, Adriana Cabrales, Ronke Adewale, Pam Melvin, Sadaf Shad, Katherine Siegel, Katherine Murkowski, Mary Kasch, Josey Hensley, Lisa Steele, Danielle Brown, Brian Burrows, Lauren Hlivka, Deana Rich, Amila Tutundzic, Tina Day, Lori Barganier, Ashley Wolfe, Mackenzie Little, Elyse Tomanio, Diane Hession, Yamila Sierra, Ruth Grosskreuz, BS Kevin Van, Rhonda Jones, Laura Benken, Beata Dyar, Laura Mishler, Jonathan Elmer, Subramanian Subramanian, Julia Wallace, Tami Robinson, Andrew Frank, Keri Feldman, Avinash Vemulapalli, Linda Ryan, Scott Szypulski, Christopher Keys
Được phát hành 2020-10-01
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