Showing 1 - 20 results of 21 for search 'Win Tun, S', सवाल का समय: 0.04सेकंड
परिणाम को परिष्कृत करें
Design and development of a robot for neurorehabilitation द्वारा Win Tun Latt.
प्रकाशित 2008
थीसिस -
Optimization of thermosetting composites pultrusion द्वारा U Win Tun
प्रकाशित 2008
थीसिस -
Secure PUF-Based Authentication Systems द्वारा Naing Win Tun, Masahiro Mambo
प्रकाशित 2024-08-01
लेख -
Development of a highly sensitive nucleic acid amplification-based detection for human leptospirosis infection द्वारा Thanyatorn Jiradechbadee, Nongyao Sawangjaroen, Gorrawee Na Ranong, Thanit Sila, Hansuk Buncherd, Aung Win Tun, Supinya Thanapongpichat
प्रकाशित 2022-06-01
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A micro motion sensing system for micromanipulation tasks द्वारा Tan, U Xuan, Latt, Win Tun, Georgiou, Andreas, Sidarta, Ananda Ekaputera, Riviere, Cameron N, Ang, Wei Tech
प्रकाशित 2013
पूर्ण पाठ प्राप्त करें
Journal Article -
Plant seed-inspired cell protection, dormancy, and growth for large-scale biofabrication द्वारा Pan, Matthew Houwen, Chen, Shengyang, Jang, Tae-Sik, Han, Win Tun, Jung, Hyun-do, Li, Yaning, Song, Juha
प्रकाशित 2021
Journal Article -
Obstetric ultrasound aids prompt referral of gestational trophoblastic disease in marginalized populations on the Thailand–Myanmar border द्वारा Kathryn McGregor, Aung Myat Min, Noaeni Karunkonkowit, Suporn Keereechareon, Mary Ellen Tyrosvoutis, Nay Win Tun, Marcus J. Rijken, Gabie Hoogenboom, Machteld Boel, Kesinee Chotivanich, François Nosten, Rose McGready
प्रकाशित 2017-01-01
लेख -
Short maternal stature and gestational weight gain among refugee and migrant women birthing appropriate for gestational age term newborns: a retrospective cohort on the Myanmar-Tha... द्वारा Rose McGready, Ahmar H Hashmi, Verena I Carrara, Sue J Lee, Aung Myat Min, Mary Ellen Gilder, Nay Win Tun, Lay Lay Wah, Mu Wah, Elsi Win, Ma Ner, Prakaykaew Charunwatthana, François H Nosten
प्रकाशित 2021-02-01
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COVID-19 pandemic, pregnancy care, perinatal outcomes in Eastern Myanmar and North-Western Thailand: a retrospective marginalised population cohort द्वारा Taco Jan Prins, Wanitda Watthanaworawit, Mary Ellen Gilder, Nay Win Tun, Aung Myat Min, May Phoo Naing, Chanapat Pateekhum, Woranit Thitiphatsaranan, Suradet Thinraow, Francois Nosten, Marcus J. Rijken, Michele van Vugt, Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Rose McGready
प्रकाशित 2024-10-01
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Antenatal corticosteroids reduce neonatal mortality in settings without assisted ventilatory support: a retrospective cohort study of early preterm births on the Thailand-Myanmar b... द्वारा François Nosten, Daphne Lufting-Leeffrers, Humayra Aisha Bashir, Htun Htun Win, Aung Myat Min, Tha Gay Wah, Nay Win Tun, Verena I. Carrara, Mary Ellen Gilder, Adeniyi Kolade Aderoba, Moo Kho Paw, Aronrag Meeyai, Mechthild M. Gross, Rose McGready
प्रकाशित 2024-03-01
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Maternal hepatitis B infection burden, comorbidity and pregnancy outcome in a low-income population on the Myanmar-Thailand border: A retrospective cohort study द्वारा Bierhoff, M, Angkurawaranon, C, Myat Min, A, Gilder, M, Win Tun, N, Keereevijitt, A, Kyi Win, A, Win, E, Carrara, V, Brummaier, T, Chu, C, Thielemans, L, Sriprawat, K, Hanboonkunupakarn, B, Rijken, M, Nosten, F, Van Vugt, M, McGready, R
प्रकाशित 2019Journal article -
Submicroscopic malaria in pregnancy and associated adverse pregnancy events: A case-cohort study of 4,352 women on the Thailand-Myanmar border. द्वारा Mary Ellen Gilder, Makoto Saito, Warat Haohankhunnatham, Clare L Ling, Gornpan Gornsawun, Germana Bancone, Cindy S Chu, Peter R Christensen, Mallika Imwong, Prakaykaew Charunwatthana, Nay Win Tun, Aung Myat Min, Verena I Carrara, Stephane Proux, Nicholas J White, François Nosten, Rose McGready
प्रकाशित 2025-03-01
लेख -
Maternal Hepatitis B Infection Burden, Comorbidity and Pregnancy Outcome in a Low-Income Population on the Myanmar-Thailand Border: A Retrospective Cohort Study द्वारा Marieke Bierhoff, Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Aung Myat Min, Mary Ellen Gilder, Nay Win Tun, Arunrot Keereevijitt, Aye Kyi Win, Elsi Win, Verena Ilona Carrara, Tobias Brummaier, Cindy S. Chu, Laurence Thielemans, Kanlaya Sriprawat, Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn, Marcus Rijken, François Nosten, Michele van Vugt, Rose McGready
प्रकाशित 2019-01-01
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Comparison of perinatal outcome and mode of birth of twin and singleton pregnancies in migrant and refugee populations on the Thai Myanmar border: A population cohort. द्वारा Taco J Prins, Aung Myat Min, Mary E Gilder, Nay Win Tun, Janneke Schepens, Kathryn McGregor, Verena I Carrara, Jacher Wiladphaingern, Mu Koh Paw, Eh Moo, Julie A Simpson, Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Marcus J Rijken, Michele van Vugt, François Nosten, Rose McGready
प्रकाशित 2024-01-01
लेख -
The contribution of asymptomatic Plasmodium infections to the transmission of malaria in Kayin state, Myanmar द्वारा Chaumeau, V, Kajeechiwa, L, Fustec, B, Landier, J, Naw Nyo, S, Nay Hsel, S, Phatharakokordbun, P, Kittiphanakun, P, Nosten, S, Thwin, MM, Win Tun, S, Wiladphaingern, J, Cottrell, G, Parker, DM, Minh, MC, Kwansomboon, K, Metaane, S, Montazeau, C, Kunjanwong, K, Sawasdichai, S, Andolina, C, Ling, C, Haohankhunnatham, W, Christiensen, P, Wanyatip, S, Konghahong, K, Cerqueira, D, Imwong, M, Dondorp, AM, Chareonviriyaphap, T, White, NJ, Nosten, FH, Corbel, V
प्रकाशित 2018Journal article