Erakusten 1 - 4 emaitzak -- 4 bilaketa honetara 'Yasuda, Y', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,02s
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Synthesis of silver/copper nanoparticles and their metalmetal bonding property nork Kobayashi Y., Shirochi T., Yasuda Y., Morita T.
Argitaratua 2013-01-01
Artikulua -
Glomerular filtration rates in Asians nork Teo, B, Zhang, L, Yasuda, Y, Guh, J, Tang, S, Jha, V, Kang, D, Tanchanco, R, Hooi, L, Praditpornsilpa, K, Kong, X, Zuo, L, Chan, G, Lee, E
Argitaratua 2018Journal article -
The spatio-temporal structure of the Lateglacial to early Holocene transition reconstructed from the pollen record of Lake Suigetsu and its precise correlation with other key globa... nork Nakagawa, T, Tarasov, P, Staff, R, Ramsey, CB, Marshall, M, Schlolaut, G, Bryant, C, Brauer, A, Lamb, H, Haraguchi, T, Gotanda, K, Kitaba, I, Kitagawa, H, van der Plicht, J, Yonenobu, H, Omori, T, Yokoyama, Y, Tada, R, Yasuda, Y
Argitaratua 2021Journal article