Yomiuri Shimbun
The }} is a Japanese newspaper published in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and other major Japanese cities. It is one of the five major newspapers in Japan; the other four are ''The Asahi Shimbun'', the ''Chunichi Shimbun'', the ''Mainichi Shimbun'', and the ''Nihon Keizai Shimbun''. It is headquartered in Otemachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo.''It is a newspaper that represents Tokyo and generally has a conservative orientation. It is one of Japan's leading newspapers, along with the Osaka-based liberal (Third Way) ''Asahi Shimbun'' and the Nagoya-based social democratic ''Chunichi Shimbun''. This newspaper is well known for its pro-American stance among major Japanese media.
It is published by regional bureaus, all of them subsidiaries of The Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings, Japan's largest media conglomerate by revenue and the second largest media conglomerate by size behind Sony, which is privately held by law and wholly owned by present and former employees and members of the Matsutarō Shōriki family. The Holdings has been part-owned by the family since Matsutarō Shōriki's purchase of the newspaper in 1924 (currently owning a total of 45.26% stock); despite its control, the family is not involved in its executive operations.
Founded in 1874, the ''Yomiuri Shimbun'' is credited with having the largest newspaper circulation in the world as of 2019, having a morning circulation of 7.0 million as of June 2021. The paper is printed twice a day and in several different local editions.
The ''Yomiuri Shimbun'' established the Yomiuri Prize in 1949. Its winners have included Yukio Mishima and Haruki Murakami. Provided by Wikipedia