Showing 1 - 10 results of 10 for search 'Zhao A', query time: 0.04s
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Scanning probe technology in metalloprotein and biomolecular electronics. by Davis, J, Morgan, D, Wrathmell, C, Zhao, A
Published 2004Journal article -
D-Dimer/Platelet Ratio Predicts in-Hospital Death in Patients with Acute Type a Aortic Dissection by Zhao A, Peng Y, Luo B, Chen Y, Chen L, Lin Y
Published 2024-11-01
Article -
Investigation and research on the demand and attitude of different peple to gastrointestinal healthy food by CUI Wei, LIU Shuo, ZHU Di-fan, ZHI Hai-mei, ZHAO A-dan, DAI Zhi-yong
Published 2023-02-01
Article -
Impact of Patient-Centered Care on Treatment Outcomes of Multidrug-Resistant/Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis in Xi’an by Luo H, Ma J, He X, Ruan Y, Ren F, Dang L, Xu Y, Zhao A
Published 2025-03-01
Article -
First measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance in NOvA by Adamson, P, Ader, C, Andrews, M, Anfimov, N, Anghel, I, Arms, K, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Aurisano, A, Ayres, DS, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Bambah, BA, Bays, K, Bernstein, R, Betancourt, M, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Biery, K, Blackburn, T, Bocean, V, Bogert, D, Bolshakova, A, Bowden, M, Bower, C, Broemmelsiek, D, Bromberg, C, Brunetti, G, Bu, X, Butkevich, A, Capista, D, Catano-Mur, E, Chase, TR, Childress, S, Choudhary, BC, Chowdhury, B, Coan, TE, Coelho, JAB, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Corwin, L, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Cunningham, A, Davies, GS, Davies, JP, Del Tutto, M, Derwent, PF, Deepthi, KN, Demuth, D, Desai, S, Deuerling, G, Devan, A, Dey, J, Dharmapalan, R, Ding, P, Dixon, S, Djurcic, Z, Dukes, EC, Duyang, H, Ehrlich, R, Feldman, GJ, Felt, N, Fenyves, EJ, Flumerfelt, E, Foulkes, S, Frank, MJ, Freeman, W, Gabrielyan, M, Gallagher, HR, Gebhard, M, Ghosh, T, Gilbert, W, Giri, A, Goadhouse, S, Gomes, RA, Goodenough, L, Goodman, MC, Grichine, V, Grossman, N, Group, R, Grudzinski, J, Guarino, V, Guo, B, Habig, A, Handler, T, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hatzikoutelis, A, Heller, K, Howcroft, C, Huang, J, Huang, X, Hylen, J, Ishitsuka, M, Jediny, F, Jensen, C, Jensen, D, Johnson, C, Jostlein, H, Kafka, GK, Kamyshkov, Y, Kasahara, SMS, Kasetti, S, Kephart, K, Koizumi, G, Kotelnikov, S, Kourbanis, I, Krahn, Z, Kravtsov, V, Kreymer, A, Kulenberg, C, Kumar, A, Kutnink, T, Kwarciancy, R, Kwong, J, Lang, K, Lee, A, Lee, WM, Lee, K, Lein, S, Liu, J, Lokajicek, M, Lozier, J, Lu, Q, Lucas, P, Luchuk, S, Lukens, P, Lukhanin, G, Magill, S, Maan, K, Mann, WA, Marshak, ML, Martens, M, Martincik, J, Mason, P, Matera, K, Mathis, M, Matveev, V, Mayer, N, McCluskey, E, Mehdiyev, R, Merritt, H, Messier, MD, Meyer, H, Miao, T, Michael, D, Mikheyev, SP, Miller, WH, Mishra, SR, Mohanta, R, Moren, A, Mualem, L, Muether, M, Mufson, S, Musser, J, Newman, HB, Nelson, JK, Niner, E, Norman, A, Nowak, J, Oksuzian, Y, Olshevskiy, A, Oliver, J, Olson, T, Paley, J, Pandey, P, Para, A, Patterson, RB, Pawloski, G, Pearson, N, Perevalov, D, Pershey, D, Peterson, E, Petti, R, Phan-Budd, S, Piccoli, L, Pla-Dalmau, A, Plunkett, RK, Poling, R, Potukuchi, B, Psihas, F, Pushka, D, Qiu, X, Raddatz, N, Radovic, A, Rameika, RA, Ray, R, Rebel, B, Rechenmacher, R, Reed, B, Reilly, R, Rocco, D, Rodkin, D, Ruddick, K, Rusack, R, Ryabov, V, Sachdev, K, Sahijpal, S, Sahoo, H, Samoylov, O, Sanchez, MC, Saoulidou, N, Schlabach, P, Schneps, J, Schroeter, R, Sepulveda-Quiroz, J, Shanahan, P, Sherwood, B, Sheshukov, A, Singh, J, Singh, V, Smith, A, Smith, D, Smolik, J, Solomey, N, Sotnikov, A, Sousa, A, Soustruznik, K, Stenkin, Y, Strait, M, Suter, L, Talaga, RL, Tamsett, MC, Tariq, S, Tas, P, Tesarek, RJ, Thayyullathil, RB, Thomsen, K, Tian, X, Tognini, SC, Toner, R, Trevor, J, Tzanakos, G, Urheim, J, Vahle, P, Valerio, L, Vinton, L, Vrba, T, Waldron, AV, Wang, B, Wang, Z, Weber, A, Wehmann, A, Whittington, D, Wilcer, N, Wildberger, R, Wildman, D, Williams, K, Wojcicki, SG, Wood, K, Xiao, M, Xin, T, Yadav, N, Yang, S, Zadorozhnyy, S, Zalesak, J, Zamorano, B, Zhao, A, Zirnstein, J, Zwaska, R
Published 2016Journal article