Shrnutí: | Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) can be defined as a study of a relationship between one variable, called the dependant variable and independent variables. It tries to establish an equation whereby the value of property is the result of the behavior of all the variables affecting property value. The equation is expressed as:- Y = a + b1x1 = b2x2 = [ + ... + bnxn where, Y = value of property x1,x2,..,xn = variables affecting value a = constant b1, b2,.. , bn = regression coefficients. Multiple Regression Analysis is basically mathematical based therefore the analysis of the result demands for interpretation of certain variables statistically. The raw data of the analysis are sample data hich must be gathered from records and field inspection survey. Prior to the field inspection or survey, the factors affecting value have to be identified and subsequently quantified. Usually, the identification of variables are normally based on the applicants knowledge without any details analysis of these variables according to local situation. Usually, the variables are not well quantified where no proper ranking has been done to determine the strength of each and every variables involved in the equation of value determination. This study will attempt to look into the identification of the factors/variables affecting property value pertaining to shophouse property within the local climate, subsequently to quantity these variables. In order to do this, a survey has to be carried out, by way of forwading questionaire to the shophouse owners and potential buyers, and interview with some practising valuers in Johor Bahru. The variables affecting the value of shophouses will then be analysed and quantified for its preparation to be used in the application of MRA in arriving at the market value of shophouses. Further analysis is then recommended for others to persue.