Summary: | Rapid introduction of the digital computer into engineering has caused a complete reappraisal of earlier methods of design, analysis, and research. Previously, only graphical methods of analysis were available; these were extremely tedious and time consuming, as well as less accurate. Today, the use of the digital computer ap-easy and inexpensive, and has proach has made parametric studies permitted boundary conditions to be faithfully simulated. COVERAGE: This text develops methods of calculating, by digital computer, a wide range of problems of unsteady flow in piping systems, including work on open-channel transients. Its field of applications is very broad, including hydro-power, water supply, water resources, aero-space, oil hydraulics, industrial piping, biomedical, msrine, long oil pipelines, and nuclear power plants. The text gather and reorganizes basic research findings from the past six years. It applies the material to practical situations and presents examples to aid in understanding. SCOPE: The book presents the first complete and unified presentation of most of the material and provides a new and comprehensive analysis of almost all types of transient problems. The treatment begins with the basic differential equations of unsteady flow and integrates them in various ways depending upon the particular objective. For true transients, where the flow regime changes from one steady-state situation to another, the method of characteristics is used with the inclusion of nonlinear friction. For steady-oscillatory flows, friction is linearized for the fluctuating component and hydraulic impedance methods are developed. In addition, the text develops the design aspects of transient flow which specify how a valve should be stroked to control transient flow.