Summary: | Nick Grantham (UK) -- An introduction to particle sizing by laser diffraction and its advantages in industry / Normah bt Mulop and Ramlan Abd Aziz (UTM)and Ku Halim Ku Hamid (ITM) -- Characteristic of granular activated carbon from UTM pilot plant / Nick Grantham (UK) -- An introduction to sub-micro particle sizing and particle charge measurements by photon correlation spectroscopy / K.C. Lee .. {et al} -- Physical characterization of particulates found in the slime of ex-mining ponds / Nick Grantham -- Particle charge measurements by the Zetasizer 3A / Sun II Kim and Arjun Bhakta Paudel -- Influence of ionic strength and cleaning of membranes on crossflow microfilt-ation / Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor, Zulambran Saad(USM) -- Moisture content variation in filter cake-effect on properties of ceramic bodies / Ramlan Aziz.. {et al} -- Feasibility of filtering crude palm oil slurry / Lim Kee San -- Slender decenter centrifuges / Abdul Rois Bin Abdul Mois -- Benefication of slimes from tin mining areas by a two-inch hydrocyclone / J Nambiar -- Concentration of epoxidised natural rubber latex by ultrafiltration / A Suki, A. Muhammad Nur and Chin Yee Ming(UPM) -- Filtration and cross-flow filtration of sago / Dr.-Ing. G. Ropertz, Hirschau -- The successful application of high pressure filter presses in koalin processing / Kevin Rolfe -- Air opllution control for particulate matter: some pratical aspects / J.P. Wood...{et al} -- Removal of HCI and SO2 from gas streams generated by the combustion of municipal solid waste / Azman Zainal Abidin, Mohd Ismail Yaziz -- The exposure of toll-booth workers to suspended particulate matter and lead /Hanili Bt Ghazali -- Status of suspended particulate matter in Malaysia / Anuar Mohd Mokhtar -- recent development in particulate sizing for helth assessment / G.Raju and Azeman Mustafa(UTM) -- Optimization of combustion generated particulates in a residual fuel oil-fired furnace / H.N. Law, K.Y.Teh andC.L. Lee -- Considerations in the design and maintenance of cleanroom in a wafer fabrication plant / Rosli Mohd Yunus -- The effect of ultrasonic on crossflow microfiltration: A preliminary study / Noorhalieza Ali and M.J. Slater -- The effects of mass transfer on drop breakage in rotating disc contactors