Summary: | The design of cams for Swiss Type Automatic Lathes involves visalizingan arrangement of interconnecting functions to produce the required tooloepration. Focussing on generating 2D profiles of plate cams, this softwareaims to develop the approach for cam design based on an existing set ofrules and procedures.The software follows religiously, what has come to be known as the '9 Step Plan to Cam Design'. However, the difference is immediately apparent to the user, the moment he steps into the software. The user is greeted by a new '4 steps Plan to Computer Aided Cam Design' at the first menu. The methodologyremains much the same as Manual Cam Design but all the tedious calculationsthat make up half of the '9 Steps', have been crunched into the '4 Steps',which happens automatically behind the scenes. An added plus is the Automatic generation of DXF codes, which allows the profile to be fabricated on aCAM system.The software has been designed on an 'Open System' concept, where future developments can be added-on to the existing software as independent modules.