Summary: | Retail location has been accepted in both theory and general discussion as one of the important determinants of property value or rental. For that reason, a well located retail property may cost a higher rental than a badly located property. This special project attempts to establish whether there is any regular trend or pattern in retail rentals in Johor Bahru. From a practical point of view, this study attempts to analyse the relationship between various factors and rental and establish to what extent these factors could influence retail rentals in the study area. A variety of surfaces have been ploted to compare these trends. Two stage regression analysis has been carried out in this study. The first stage of analysis is in the form of Trend Surface Analysis equation which can be used to generate the relationship between location and rental. The residuals of the first stage were then further analysed, using the same analysis technique, to quantify the influences of other factors affecting rental and this procedure is called Two-Stage Regression Analysis. Three types of models have been derived for each stage of analysis, i.e. a model for all retail cases, a model for shopping complex cases and a model for shophouse cases. In the analysis, the first model indicated a weak trend in location. This result was improved by further separate analysis of only shopping complex and shophouse cases respectively. The objective of the second stage of analysis is to quantify the influences of other relevant factors on residual rental. Combination of these results gives a final model for each type of analysis. These combined models or equations may allow prediction of retail rental in Johor Bahru to be made in the current and near future market. Another major benefit of the study is that the locational variation in retail rentals has been identified and this would allow investors and managers to be aware of the high and low rental areas around the town. A further benefit, which would be of particular assistance to valuers, is that the study has identified some of the more important issues of an environmental or structural quality nature which help explain the level of rentals for different categories of retail property.