Summary: | The audiometer is an instrument for measuring human hearing ability. Presently, Manual audiometer is commonly used because it is simpler and leastexpensive than others. This audiometer cna be operated only by a technicaluser and the audiometric testing takes a very long time to conduct. Audiologists, who operate the audiometric testing may fail (or refuse) to adhereto procedures and guidelines. Therefore, some of the audiometric testing results may be wrong.As a result, an audiomatic PC-based audiometer is implemented using softwareprogramming. using this method can save time and ease workload of the audiologists since the sequence of teh audiometric testing is operated automatically by PC. The aim of this project is to develop a user-friendly computer-based audiometer using Object Oriented Programming (OOP)technique.In the first stages of design, Object Modeling Technique (OMT) models isused to identify the object models. Then, the relationship and transitionbetween the classes and states were carried out by using dynamic models.At the final stage, the implementation of the design into a realizable program is done. The fine tuning process must always go on so that the implemantation is always correct. Suitable test has been done to evaluate the design(or system).