Achoimre: | The development of modern society is unthinkable without technically and organizationally, smoothly functions transport systems. Transport signifies theconveyonce of people or goods a way in which the transport operator whetheron land, water or in the air-adapts to their needs. The indispensable need for safety in transport systems necessitates actions to control and direct the streams of traffic in order to avoid situations of conflict or accidents. Beyond that, the rise in the volume of traffic requires measures for raisingthe efficiency or the transport operator, former traffic control now becoming traffic management. The overall objective of signal control is to provide for a safe and efficient traffic flow through intersections, along routes and in road networks. At individual intersections the primary purpose is to assign right of way for alternate roads or road approaches in order to maximise capacity, minize delay and reduce conflicts. The most important aspect in signal control system is a signal timing. The signal timing is to alternately assign the right of way to various traffic movements (phases) in such a manner as to minimize average delay to any single group of vehicles or padestrians and to reduce the probability of accident producing conflicts. Therefore, this work shall comprise the design of traffic light controller, involving the number of plans, number of sequence of phases, cycle times, timing of each phase, offset times and interlocking of programming systems.