Summary: | The concept of industrial estate was introduced after 1957 with main objective of speeding up the industrialisation processess in this country. The unplanned industrialisation inevitably resulted in various problems such as incompatible land use, congestion, pollution and nuisance to neighbouring areas. In the light of the above, the writer has selected this topic "Industrial Estate - a decision making" of which the main purpose is to identify the main defects of past physical planning and to forward proposals to solve such defects. This study mainly evolves around the physical aspects of layout planning namely its physical location, plot layout, service provision and others. The main contents of this disertation are briefly as follows; It open with the introduction of objectives and way of presentation of this study. It is then followed by the analysis of present planning organisations and their defects. Subsequently, the principal factors to be considered in layout planning of an industrial estate are fully analysed. It ranges from the considerations for proper layout to service planning. Layout of Petaling Jaya Industrial Estate is then analysed according to its sizes, plinth areas, plot patio and its utilities problems. I will also deal with the impact of Petaling Jaya Industries on its environmental quality and the various regulatory measures effected by the government to combat pollutions. Finding from a small sample survey are also included in the discussion that follows. Lastly, proposals are forwarded to tackle the problems resulted from the improper planning of Petaling Jaya Industrial Estate.