Summary: | This dissertation presents a general overview of property ownership and the rising need of insurance to property owners considering the numerous risks involved. Some critical views have been given concerning the local attitudes towards property insurance. Chapter 1 touches on the definitions and effects of property ownership leading to the need for property insurance as security. In Chapter 2, the definition and functions of insurance are given consideration and certain aspects of the local practice are looked into. Chapter 3 deals with the attention that is given to the various and most common insurance covers to property owners. To highlight the urgent need for property insurance, Chapter 4 deals with fire damages in this country and thus the necessary safeguards to minimise the menace and its effects on property values are touched upon. In Chapter 5, the role of the valuer in determining the sum insured for the full insurance coverage is discussed. Chapter 6 which is the conclusion, consists of views and opinions on insurance and property owners as well as the summary of the major topics discussed in the previous chapter.