Ամփոփում: | "The race to take full advantage of technological breakthroughs in computer science and communications has forced major changes in the role of people in companies that employ, or wish to implement, advanced manufacturing systems (AMS). Ironically, as industry has become more dependent on advanced technology, human factors have become ever more critical to the success of any business venture. The implementation of new technologies requires fundamental changes in a company's mode of planning; plant organization; job design; compensation and raise policy; personnel selection, training, and education; and labor management relations." "Organization and Management of Advanced Manufacturing is a comprehensive review of human factors issues as they relate to computer integration of manufacturing resources, computer-aided process planning, manufacturing, design and engineering. It provides a framework for the successful integration of technology, personnel, and organization. And it offers the insights, observations, and proven methods of 47 leading international authorities on the subject, from industry, government, and academia."