Gaia: | Kuala Lumpur's transportation problems in recent years have been severe and have been getting worse. Traffic congestion is currently been experienced due to both intensive development and also due to rapid increase in population and volume of vehicles. In this study, the author tries to explore the background of the transportation problems, examines the factors influencing the pattern of urban transportation, analyses corrective measures recently undertaken, and presents a program for future planning of transportation in Kuala Lumpur. The Second Kuala Lumpur Urban Transport Project forms the main subject of this study. The Central Area are dealt with under the various measures currently implemented. Special emphasis is given to the public transportation and the increasing volumes of travel made by the high percentage of private car ownership. Future developments are looked into based on projection and forecasts concerning travel, population and land use. The project illustrates the point that urban transport difficulties have many related causes and effects. There is no single solution to the wide variety of problems and solutions, rather a solution must be sought in integrating the various means to obtain the advantages of each with the minimum of disadvantage.