Sammanfattning: | Neural correlates of emotion-cognition interactions: A review of evidence from brain imaging investigations / Florin Dolcos, Alexandru D. Iordan, and Sanda Dolcos -- Electrophysiological evidence of emotion perception without central attention / Kathleen Shaw, Mei-Ching Lien, and Philip A. Allen -- Age differences in the emotional modulation oa attention: Effects of own-age versus other-age emotional face cues on the alerting and orienting networks / Soo Rim Noh and Derek M. Isaacowitz -- Frontal brain oscillation modulation in facial emotion comprehension: The role of reward and inhibitory systems in subliminal and supraliminal processing / Michela Balconi -- The automatic activation and perception of emotion in word processing: Evidence from a modified dot probe paradigm / Tina M. Sutton and Jeanette Altarriba -- Trustworthiness and negative affect predict economic decision making / Christopher M. Nguyen, Michael Koenigs, Torricia H. Yamada, Shu Hao Teo, Joseph E. Cavanaugh, Daniel Tranel, and Natalie L. Denburg -- White matter integrity, as measured by diffusion tensor imaging, distinguishes between impaired and unimpaired older adult decision-makers: A preliminary investigation / J.C. Timpe, K.C. Rowe, J. Matsui, V.A. Magnotta, and N.L. Denburg -- Individual differences in positive affect moderate age-related declines in episodic long-term memory / Philip A. Allen, Kevin Kaut, Elsa Baena, mei-Ching Lien, and Eric Ruthruff.