Summary: | The conference, of which this publication is the proceedings, is the latest in the series organized by the IAEA on the subject of radioactive waste safety. Demonstrating the safety of radioactive waste disposal remains a challenging issue, from both technical and sociopolitical perspectives, and is receiving increasing scrutiny throughout the world. The conference discussed the emerging global nuclear safety regime and its implications for radioactive waste management - in particular the impact of the "Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management", the international safety standards and national waste management policies. High on the agenda was the concept of the safety case and its use, together with supporting safety assessments. The whole range of disposal concepts were discussed, as was the regulatory review and approval process, and stakeholder involvement. The conference proceedings reports the various sessions and includes the presentations together with concluding summaries from the session Chairs and the Conference President.--Publisher's description.