Resumo: | The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Hizbullah in Lebanon had or have as part of their raison d't̊re the idea of pan-Islamist activism. But in addition to this, both are in reality serious players in the political system of the state in which they operate. Whilst their ideological discourses are often used to present the differences between Sunni and Shi'i movements, the tactics of both in their attempts to secure power reveal similarities between the two. Eva Dingel focuses on their behaviour as players within the political process and beyond, considering the question of why, at certain points, both movements choose to 'play by the rules', while during other periods, they apply different methods of political protest. By looking at the history of these two groups, Dingel examines the numerous influences on political movements, ranging from ideological change via generational conflict to transnational influences, and how state capacity is a key factor in influencing the strategy choices of these groups.