Summary: | In this startling and illuminating book Pierre Salinger, President Kennedy's former press secretary and now Chief Foreign Correspondent of ABC News, with Eric Laurent, a leading French journalist, offer an in-depth insider view of what happened. From Alexandria and Amman, Baghdad and Washington, Jerusalem and Jeddah, the crucial meetings, diplomatic confrontations and military manoeuvres are vividly re-created. Here, with striking immediacy, we see American Ambassador April Glaspie wooing the Iraqis as late as July 1990, Arafat's many attempts to mediate, the all-Arab peace plans scuppered by the USA, King Fahd's last-ditch efforts to bring the sides together, President Bush's waverings and naive faith in friendships with the world leaders. Today everybody knows the tragic non-results of this flurry of activity; no other book examines in such well-documented and revealing detail the prelude to the invasion of Kuwait and the slide to full-scale war.