Summary: | Ailerons are hinged control surfaces attached to the trailing edge of the wing of a fixed wing aircraft. The ailerons are used to control the aircraft in roll. The two ailerons are typically interconnected so that one goes down when the other goes up: the downgoing aileron increases the lift on its wing while the upgoing aileron reduces the lift on its wing. producing a rolling moment about the aircraft's longitudinal axis. The word aileron is French for "little wing" An unwanted side effect of aileron operation is adverse yaw - a yawing moment in the opposite direction to the roll. Using the ailerons to roll an aircraft to the right produces a yawing motion to the left. As the aircraft rolls, adverse yaw is caused primarily by the change in drag on the left and right wing. The rising wing generates increased lift which causes increased induced drag. The descending wing generates reduced lift which causes reduced induced drag. The difference in drag on each wing produces the adverse yaw. There is also often an additional adverse yaw contribution from a difference in profile drag between the up-aileron and down-aileron. Adverse yaw is effectively compensated by the use of the rudder, which results in a sideforce on the vertical tail which opposes the adverse yaw by creating a favorable yawing moment. Another method of compensation is differential ailerons, which have been rigged such that the downgoing aileron deflects less than the upgoing one. In this case the opposing yaw moment is generated by a difference in profile drag between the left and right wingtips.