Summary: | The history of the first 100 years of the Club has been welldocumentedbyD.J.M. Tate in the book 'The Lake Club 1890-1990'. Any serious student of the Club's history will find Tate's publication just about the most authoritative source of information. This 125 Year Anniversary Coffee Table Book continues where Tate had left off. It highlights events that took place circa the early 1950s which coincided with the beginning of the uptake of Malayans into the Membership. Undeniably, it was the stewardship of the late Tun Abdul Razak, the country's second Prime Minister, as Club President from 1968-1976 that saw the complete Malaysianisation of the Lake Club. Information pertainingtohis era was mainly retrieved from Club documents, the National Archives, the New Straits Times and from private sources. It was during the Tun's time too that the Club became a place where the public and the private sectors met, where none had existed before in this form and manner. The Club had that ambience and style to cater for such exclusive gatherings.