Sammanfattning: | For many years, chemical clarification, granular media filtration, and chlorination were virtually the only treatment processes used in municipal water treatment. However, the past 20 years have seen a dramatic change in the water industry's approach to water treatment in which water utilities have started to seriously consider alternative treatment technologies to the traditional filtration/chlorination treatment approach. There is a rapidly growing interest in using UV light in water sanitation due to the increased knowledge of the potential health and environmental impacts of disinfection byproducts. Ultraviolet Light in Water and Wastewater Sanitation integrates the fundamental physics applicable to water and wastewater sanitation, the engineering aspects, and the practical experience in the field. Recent studies have shown that water chlorination causes several environmental problems and therefore the need for safer methods. Ultraviolet light is currently a more preferable method for water disinfection. It has some inherent advantages over all other disinfection methods which are: no chemical consumption, no transportation and handling, no harmful by-products formed, a minimum of, or no, moving parts therefore high reliability and low energy requirements. This book brings together comprehensive information on the presently available UV technologies applicable to water and wastewater treatment. It is intended to Investigate the effectiveness of Ultraviolet light for waste water disinfection. This book will serve as a reference guide for those who are dealing with water and wastewater plants; water utility employees, governmental regulators.