Summary: | Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water and Wastewater: Advanced Treatment Processes presents the state-of-the-art in the design and use of adsorbents, membranes, and UV/oxidation processes, along with the challenges that will need to be addressed to close the gap between development and implementation in water/wastewater treatment applications. Chapters cover adsorbent and membrane design and performance, direct comparison of performance data between new (inorganic and metal organic nanoporous materials) and classic adsorbents and membranes, a list of advantages, disadvantages, and challenges related to performance limitations, regenerability, and upscaling. In addition, users will find sections on the identification of potential site and off-site applications that are listed according to adsorbent and membrane types, transformation of CECs in low- and/or medium-pressure UV irradiation processes used for disinfection, the oxidation of CECs by chlorine and ozone, and a comparison of advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of a variety of CECs in water and wastewater.