要約: | Dislocation Based Crystal Plasticity: Theory and Computation at Micron and Submicron Scale provides a comprehensive introduction to the continuum and discreteness dislocation mechanism-based theories and computational methods of crystal plasticity at the micron and submicron scale. Sections cover the fundamental concept of conventional crystal plasticity theory at the macro-scale without size effect, strain gradient crystal plasticity theory based on Taylar law dislocation, mechanism at the mesoscale, phase-field theory of crystal plasticity, computation at the submicron scale, including single crystal plasticity theory, and the discrete-continuous model of crystal plasticity with three-dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics coupling finite element method (DDD-FEM). Three kinds of plastic deformation mechanisms for submicron pillars are systematically presented. Further sections discuss dislocation nucleation and starvation at high strain rate and temperature effect for dislocation annihilation mechanism.