Summary: | If you are a researcher looking for a personal tutor while you are working with the NVivo 11 qualitative software, then NVivo 11 for Windows is the right choice. This book is written to guide researchers step by step to accomplish tasks for a qualitative research. NVivo is a popular software tool not only for qualitative research but also mixed method research. The software which is owned by QSR International Pty Ltd has evolved rapidly to support various types of unstructured data such as contents from social media, apps, smart phones and tablets. It allows qualitative researchers to make sense of unstructured data and provide rich insights in the form of analysis as well as graphical representations. Various tools are embedded in this software to enable researchers to organize, analyse and navigate data with ease. NVivo is a magical software tool that al qualitative or mixed method researchers must have. Qualitative researchers using this software will benefit in terms of time saving, efficient and systematic data organization. Finally, I wrote this book to help fellow qualitative researchers to manage and analyse their huge volume of data efficiently. In other words, the book should be straight to the point with step by step guidance for each essential functions. This book definitely will stand out among other NVivo books in the market if you need a perfect tutor to start organizing your research materials, analysing qualitative data and visualize it in various graphical representations.