Summary: | This is an introduction to linear algebra. The lecture notes are written according to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia's curriculum. It is anticipated that the students have passed Basic Mathematics or Intermediate Mathematics. These notes can be used for both students majoring in Mathematics or Computer Science, where different emphasizes on theories and applications will be given by the lecturer. These lecture notes contain basic concepts of linear algebra consisting of five main parts, namely matrices, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformation, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. As the reader will soon see, many examples are given in each chapter, which are usually of different levels of difficulty. In addition to that, exercises are given after each chapter. The purpose of these problems is to allow students to test their assimilation of the material, to challenge their mathematical integrity, and to be a means of developing mathematical insight, intuition, and techniques. However, the author feels that having these lecture notes only are not enough. Every student should have or should refer to at least one textbook of Linear Algebra. Finally, the author wishes all readers a joyful voyage on the mathematical journey they are about to embark into a beautiful realm of linear algebra.