Resumo: | This book is a summary of David Goggins' 'Can't Hurt Me', which tells the life story of a United States Armed Forces legend and one of the world's elite endurance athletes. Rising from a childhood marred by physical and emotional abuse from his father, neglect, poverty, racism, depression and being overweight, David (through sheer grit and determination), rose to become a Navy SEAL, an Army Ranger, and an Air Force Tactical Air Controller. He is also a top Navy recruiter, a receiver of many presidential awards for meritorious service, and a globally noted ultra marathon athlete with a Guinness Book of World Records title in pull ups. David's life is a powerful lesson in self-discipline, mental toughness, hard work, uncompromising work ethic, will power and sacrifice. And the beauty of the book, CAN'T HURT ME, is that in it, David reveals the strategies and principles that he used (and which anyone, including you, can also use) to push past pain, fear, lack and self-doubt. This book is a summary. It is meant to be a companion, not a replacement, to the original book. Please note that this summary is not authorized, licensed, approved, or endorsed by the author or publisher of the main book.