Summary: | A few weeks before Christmas of 1941, Japanese forces landed in Malaya, an act of war and conquest that ironically sowed the seeds of independence in colonies the world over. When the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse were sunkoffthecoast of Malaya by Japanese forces soon after, a psychological barrier seemed to be lifted - Britannia was not as mighty as it was thought to be, and perhaps it was possible for life to go on beyond the dictates of Whitehall. The Japanese invasion of colonial Malaya was to be the start of a series of events that would culminate in the birth of a new nation, the Federation of Malaya - and later, Malaysia. The road towards nationhood had indeed begun rather incongruously. This book attempts to draw a timeline of key events during the formative years of the nation (1941-1966), using news reports, articles and images published by the NSTP group. As one of the oldest media companies East of the Suez, the group has since 1845 been a constant chronicler of the nation's history from the time when it was a colonial outpost with little more than a promise of better things to come.