Summary: | Water-yield information is vital for water resources sustainability planning and security
monitoring. Over the years, flow-rate gauges have been used to determine the flow of
water as water-yield information from watershed, the result of hydrometeorology
variability and human activity. The issue is flow-rate gauge information hard to obtain,
especially during flood season. The main objective was to quantify water-yield information
using simple hydrology cycle relationship, through fully satellite-based data sources as
input at Sungai Pahang watershed. The specific objectives of the study were as follow; to
establish database of satellite-based rainfall and actual evapotranspiration map, and to
quantify water-yield using simple hydrology cycle relationship. Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) and Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectro -radiometer (MODIS) bio-physical index satellite data were
downloading from public domain resources to produced rainfall and actual
evapotranspiration map, respectively. Both maps were used as input in hydrology cycle
relationship to quantify water-yield information of study area. The results show that,
satellite-based water-yield able to shows changes based on season. Therefore, satellitebased
water-yield could be able as an alternative source of watershed water-yield. In the
to get reliable results, it is necessary for those data to be validated.