Summary: | Abstract— Functional food and beverage companies are
touting the presence of antioxidants in their products in
response to consumer interest in the potential health benefits of
antioxidants in the diet. Labisia pumila (LPva) or “Kacip
Fatimah” is a popular supplement in the Malaysian functional
food and beverage market. Today, information on its bioactive
compounds remains scarce. A comparative evaluation of total
phenolics and free radical scavenging activity of the aqueous
extract of LPva were studied using Folin – Ciocalteu assay,
aluminum chloride assay, ferric ion reducing power assay and
DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging assay. The
results of total phenolics showed that LP from Tilu Mountain-
Bogor (LPvaT) contained the highest average of total phenolics.
The ratio of total flavonoids/total phenolics (TFC/TPC) of LP
from Halimun-Salak Mountain, Bogor (LPvaB) with is 0.27
and contained the highest average of total flavonoids.
Antioxidant activity by FRAP assay shows that LPvaT
contained the highest average of ability to reduce the ferric
ion-TPTZ complex. DPPH assay showed that EC50 of LPvaT
(78.79 μg/mL) was lowest. Based on these values, LPvaT is
found to have the highest antioxidant activity.