Summary: | Since there is very limited natural hydrogen source, various methodologies had been
proposed to extract hydrogen gas from both renewable and non-renewable resources.
Among all, solar fuel or solar hydrogen fuel shows the most fascinating prospect to
replace the conventional energy scheme. A detail comparison on both fossil based and
solar based hydrogen generation method is reviewed. Although photothermal
electrochemical water splitting technique shows highest preliminary efficiency, it is not
practical due to cost, material and area requirement. Based on CST dish/Stirling
technology, non-hybrid photothermal electrochemical process is approached and
compared. By yielding higher hydrogen output without decreasing the water electrolysis
efficiency, resonant electrolysis is proposed to integrate with the named solar harvesting
technique. Detail discussion is make for the proposed operating system design and the
effectiveness of harvest mono-atomic hydrogen fuel through theoretical analysis using
both chemical bond and enthalpy of formation technique. The theoretical result shows
that the mono-atomic hydrogen contain 3.83 times of energy compare to diatomic
hydrogen gas. Last but not least, a conceptual design of resonant electrolysis and
working principle is also summarised.