总结: | Students who have psychologically problems in their lives may also have problems in their academic performance. Inculcating Spiritual Intelligence is believed to be able to overcome psychologically problems (Piedment, 2001) such as depression, anxiety and stress. However, not every student has the inspiration and knowledge to enhance their own spiritual intelligence. At Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), a module has been developed for this purpose. The UMP Spiritual Intelligence module focuses on Islamic values to enhance the role of `Man as Caliph (leader)’ and the connection between human and God. The objectives of this study are 1) to examine the effectiveness of the module on the students’ emotional wellbeing and 2) how it helps them to have more control of their lives. A qualitative research design was employed to collect data through interviews and reflections from 20 students who voluntarily participated in this study. Participants were required to apply the Spiritual Intelligence module in their daily lives for 40 days. They provided positive feedback especially after they had implemented the module. From the responses, there were positive changes in their behaviour especially when dealing with their emotions. The module was able to help them relieve stress, worked better with others and became more focus in the classrooms. These findings revealed that the UMP Spiritual Intelligence Module is useful to university students and will also be beneficial educators and counsellors to enhance students’ psychological wellbeing.