Summary: | An enzymatic hydrolysis of fibre-pressed oil palm frond (FPOPF) was carried out using soil culture for ferulic
acid production. The soil obtained from palm oil plantation was acclimatized with FPOPF substrate for 30 days
before being used as soil culture. FPOPF substrate was prepared with a 1:10 ratio of FPOPF to water. By using
Design Expert 7, a central composite design with two factors was selected as the experimental design resulting a
total of 13 runs. Two factors studied were temperature (24°C to 28°C) with 26°C as centre point, and agitation
rate (130 rpm to 170 rpm) with centre points at 150 rpm. The ANOVA showed that the experimental design model
was significant. The coefficient of determination value was 0.8873, indicating that the probability this model was
obtained through noise was 11.27%. The optimum condition obtained was temperature at 26°C and agitation rate
at 150 rpm with a response of 205.724 mg FA/kg OPF. The optimization was repeatable with a small error of
8.41% from validation test.