Summary: | A recent development in oscillatory baffled reactor technology is down-scaling the reactor, so that it can be used for production of small-scale bioproduct. In the present study, a mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactor (MOBR) with central baffle system was developed. The reactor performance of the MOBR was compared with conventional stirred tank reactor (STR) to evaluate the performance of bioethanol fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Evaluation was made at similar power density of 24.21, 57.38, 112.35 and 193.67 Wm-3 by varying frequency (f), amplitude (xo) and agitation speed (rpm). It was found that the MOBR improved the mixing intensity resulted in lower glucose concentration (0.988 gL-1) and higher bioethanol concentration (38.98 gL-1) after 12 hours fermentation at power density of 193.67 Wm-3. Based on the results, the bioethanol yield obtained using MOBR was 39% higher than the maximum achieved in STR. Bioethanol production using MOBR proved to be feasible as it is not only able to compete with conventional STR but also offers advantages of straightforward scale-up, whereas it is complicated and difficult in STR. Overall, MOBR offers great
prospective over the conventional STR.