Summary: | Deep learning methods have shown early progress in analyzing complicated ECG signals, especially in heartbeat classification and arrhythmia detection. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of health-related data analysis. This research provides a duel structured and bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) method for arrhythmia classification that addresses the issues with multilayered dilated convolution neural network (CNN) models. Initially, the data is preprocessed by Chebyshev Type II filtering that is faster and do not use statistical characteristics. Noise from the preprocesed filter is aslo removed by using Daubechies wavelet that can able to solve fractal problems and signal discontinuities. An then Z-normalization is done using Pan-Tompkins normalization technique for handling of different normally distributed samples. Finally, a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based synthetic signal is generated for recreation of signal to handle imbalanced signal class. The proposed Bidirectional RNN with Dilated CNN (BRDC) appears to take advantage of the potentiality of multilayered dilated CNN and bidirectional RNN unit (bidirectional gated recurrent Units, BiGRU - bidirectional long short-term memory, BiLSTM) architecture to generate fusion features. Finally, the signals are classified by fully connected layer and Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function. The PhysioNet 2017 challenge dataset is used to train and validate the proposed model. By combining fusion features with dilated CNN, the learned model significantly improves the classification performance and interpretability. The experimental findings show that, for MIT-BIH provided ECG (electrocardiogram) data to identify arrhythmia, the proposed BRDC model outperforms existing models with 99.90 % accuracy, 98.41 % F1, 97.96 % precision, and 99.90 % recall during training. One of the significant findings of this study is that the proposed approach can significantly reduce time length when employing RNN networks with multilayered dilated CNN. Overall, our hybrid model using BiGRU-BiLSTM and multi-layered dilated CNN provides a cost-effective ECG signal reduction and high-performance automated recognition technique to identify arrhythmia. Our future improvement will focus on the classification of numerous arrhythmia signal-based data, automatic and cloud based ECG classification.